Thursday, April 26, 2012

Popsicles Aren't Just For The Kids.....

Our Colorado springtime weather has been pretty warm already!  My kiddos are burning through my homemade popsicles each day and I've recently had to become pretty creative with making some new flavors.  With that, I was thinking of making some for my husband and I to have on the back deck for an afternoon snack.  And here is my latest creation:

Coconut Coffee Popsicles

-1 cup of fresh, but iced, coffee (dark roast, organic coffee is great but any variety will do just fine)
-2 cups plain coconut milk* (you can use vanilla coconut milk too, just cut down on the maple syrup)
-1 Tbsp pure maple syrup
-1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Option: 1-2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder for a chocolate mocha twist
*Almond milk works well too (plain or vanilla...both are great!)

Put everything in a blender & mix, then pour into popsicle molds!  Makes ~6-8 popsicles depending on your mold size.  Wait for about 8-12 hours until they are fully frozen. 

HANDY NOTE:  This mixture (minus the 1 c. of coffee) makes a really good coffee creamer!!  Mix all of the ingredient together and I reuse an old coffee creamer bottle for storage in our fridge.  We stopped buying coffee creamer a while back and now just make this for the week.  It tastes better, is MUCH healthier, and saves us a bit of money, too. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Interval Training on the Track

In honor of the Boston Marathon today (April 16th)...I wanted to post a workout that is strictly running.  It is similar to the HIIT workout I posted a few weeks ago, however it's geared more toward the endurance athlete (5k, 10k, 1/2-Marathon or full Marathon).  I have included a beginner, intermediate and advanced/elite workout format.  This workout will challenge you to keep your pace.  Right when your brain says 'You Can't', make your body say, 'I Will!' 

I did this workout this AM and it was perfect for a shorter mileage day, and the speed felt great.  I have a marathon in less than 3 weeks so I am moving toward decreasing the volume and increasing the intensity for these last few weeks...after months of high mileage!
Find a track and get your shoes on!  This one will make you sweat!

Interval Track Workout

WARM UP:  2 mile run.  If you are a beginner, you can do a 1 mile warm up, but just make sure you're sweating and your legs have adjusted to running.

4 x 800m runs (1 minute rest between 800's...more if you're just beginning) 
Pace for 800's--Beginners: 8 minutes/mile+; Intermediate: 7 minute/mile range; Advanced 6:20's or faster.

4 x 400m runs (30 second rest between 400's...more if you're just beginning)
Pace for 400's--Beginners: 8 minutes/mile+; Intermediate: 6:40-5:50 minute/mile range; Advanced 5:50's or faster.


2 x 800m runs (1 minute rest between 800's...more if you're just beginning) 
Pace for 800's--Beginners: 8 minutes/mile+; Intermediate: 7 minute/mile range; Advanced 6:20's or faster.

2 x 400m runs (30 second rest between 400's...more if you're just beginning)
Pace for 400's--Beginners: 8 minutes/mile+; Intermediate: 6:40-5:50 minute/mile range; Advanced 5:50's or faster.

Cool Down (1/2 to 2 miles, depending on your level of fitness)


Alternatively, this type of interval training can be done in a gym, pool, rowing machine, or even for an outdoor (or indoor) climber.  If you choose to do an interval workout that doesn't involve running, please reduce the distance accordingly.  Time is another good way to do non-traditional intervals.  The average person does an 800m run in ~3 to 5.5 minutes.  If you have additional questions about non-traditional intervals, please feel free to contact me personally.   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Total Body Workout....In 20 Minutes!

I had the privilege of providing some of the teachers at our neighborhood school with a workout yesterday!  It was a great experience and I wanted to post a modified version of the workout we did.  It's a good beginner workout but can be modified to an intermediate or even advanced level.  It's a great 'time crunch' workout as it's a solid 20 minutes, works every major muscle group and gives you a bit of cardio too!

On busy days, sometimes we just need to get a workout in.  And I always try to remember...a 5, 10 or 20 minute workout is better than a zero minute workout!  Quality, not quantity.

Items needed for this workout:
-Jump Rope (not necessary, but nice to have)
-2, 3, or 5 lb free weights OR resistance bands

The 20-Minute Full Body Workout 

Warm Up:1-Minute Jog in Place (or High Knees)

Circuit: 30 seconds for each exercise—Three times through (1-Minute rest between sets )

Reverse Lunge
1) Push Ups (any variation) OR Push Up, Push Off (alternating sides)
2) Reverse Lunges
3) Jump Rope
4) Tricep extension (overhead) OR dips
5) Squats (narrow or wide stance) OR Squat Jumps
6) Skaters
7) Plank OR Plank Tuck Jumps
8) Squat to lateral leg raise
9) Lateral Arm Raise then lower.  Bicep curl then lower.  Repeat.

Side Plank Position


1) Side Plank (both sides hold for 30 seconds)
2) Superman (10 total)
3) Climb your leg (10 on each side)
4) Stacked leg crunch (lying down, stack one foot on top of the other, then switch after 20)
5) Mason Twist (30 total)


1) Cobra Pose (or 1/2 Cobra)
2) Child's Pose
3) Forward Bend

Monday, April 9, 2012


Swimsuits.  Yep, I said it.  It’s that time of year where you’re either just getting into last years’ model, or looking to buy a new one.  So, now you have your motivation!  And motivation like that had better be put to good use….after all, opportunity and motivation go hand in hand.  Use it or lose it….but I choose both.  Use it to lose your winter figure and gain your summer, sporty figure. 
Abdominal workouts are a big player in the swimsuit game.  Here is a pretty intense abdominal workout (and you can easily modify these to make each exercise harder or easier, to your liking).  But keep in mind, your ideal ab workout gets you outside of your comfort zone.  Painful…yes, but too painful is not a good thing.  Don’t overdo it…don’t underdo it.  Find your balance and this workout will provide you with swimsuit ready results. 

Boot Camp Abs

Warm Up:

60 second jump rope
30 second rest
120 second jump rope
30 second rest
60 second jumping jacks
You’re warm.


Plank Tuck Jumps:  Start in a standard plank position (not on your elbows, up on your hands).  Jump your feet up to your hands then quickly back to plank.  This is one rep.  Repeat for 6-10 reps (Beginner); 8-12 reps (Intermediate), 10-15 reps (Advanced).  Do this 2-3 times.

Flutter Kick V-Sit: Start in a standard V-Sit position.  Start your flutter kicks and do 50 flutters with your feet.  

Reverse Flutter Kick: Start on your stomach.  Lift your arms and feet off of the ground in a Superman position.  Flutter your feet while extending your arms straight out.  Do 50 flutters with your feet.

Downward Dog Reverse Crunch:  Start in the downward dog position.  Extend and lift your right foot off of the ground as high as you can.  Then bring your knee to your chest and return your right leg to the extended and lifted position.  That is 1 rep.  Repeat 5-8 times (beginner); 8-10 (intermediate); 10-15 (advanced).  Then switch and do the left foot. Do this 2-3 times, each time you can bring your knee farther up to your chest, or cross over to opposite elbow to work your obliques.

Mason Twists: Start in a V-sit position, but bend your knees to a 90-deg angle.  Clasp your hands together rotate from side to side.  Try to gently hit your hands on the ground each time you rotate.  1 rep = rotating to both sides.  Do 2 sets of 50 reps.

Push-Up & Side Plank Rotation:  Start in a plank position.  Do a push-up, and then rotate body into a side plank with your top hand extended up toward the ceiling or sky.  Shoulders and hips stacked, balancing on left palm and side of left foot. Extend right arm up.  Then bring your top arm underneath your rib cage and extend as far as you can while keeping balanced.  Lift your arm back up and move back into push up position.  Repeat the entire sequence, on each side, for 6-8 reps beginner; 8-12 reps intermediate, 10-15 reps advanced.  Do this 2-3 times.
**Note:  You can use a weight for these, too.  I use a 5-7lb weight…but I would recommend starting with 2-3 lbs to get your form nailed down first.  If you use a weight, make sure to be aware of your back and keep your abs engaged to prevent injury.  If you have a bad back, weight is not recommended. 

Tolasana:  Get two yoga blocks, if available, or use the floor.  Place blocks a bit more than hip width apart and sit in between them.  Place your palms firmly on the blocks and slowly lift your body off of the ground.  Pull your legs up toward your chest and hold.  Breath!  Hold for 10-20 seconds then release.  Repeat this 2-3 times.  For an advanced modification, straighten your legs and hold them at a 90 degree angle for 10-20 seconds.  

Chaturanga Mountain Climbers:  Start in plank position and move to Chaturanga.  Immediately begin mountain climbers.  Bring your knees up, laterally (there isn’t enough space between you and the floor to bring your knees up to your chest).  Do as many as you can while remaining in chaturanga and one rep. is both sides.  Do 3-5 for beginners; 5-10 intermediate; 10-15 advanced.  Note: These are tough.  If you need to do standard mountain climbers, that’s ok.  

Sit-Up, Side-Chop:  This is a standard sit-up.  Knees bent or legs extended, hands clasp together.  Do a regular sit up, but aim for one leg with your hands.  Repeat this, alternating sides for 30 reps (1 rep is completing both sides).  Repeat this 2-3 times.
**Note:  You can use a weight for these, too.  I use a 5 lb. weight in each hand…but I would recommend starting with 2-3 lbs to get your form nailed down first.  If you use a weight, make sure to be aware of your back and keep your abs engaged to prevent injury.  If you have a bad back, weight is not recommended. 

Cool Down:

Cobra (or Half-Cobra) Pose
Childs Pose
Hold each pose and breath.  Repeat as many times as needed (I usually need 3-4 rounds to get completely stretched out and relaxed afterward)

Friday, April 6, 2012

A spring full of smoothies

Sure, smoothies are awesome!  They are cool, fruity, delicious and pretty healthy!  And with spring produce stands and farmer's markets just around the corner, I think it's time to start thinking smoothies!  So I started to experiment with this idea for getting a lot of bang for your buck when it comes to adding a smoothie to your regular routine.

I started with wanting to add extra fruits and veggies into my diet and something my kiddos would love, also.  Using things like a handful of spinach, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, a dash of ground cinnamon and 100% orange juice works great to get some additional nutrients.  We do a lot of homemade popsicles with these ingredients.  From there, I decided to experiment with a wide variety of ingredients and came up with this mixture that is very tasty, packed with healthy and organic fruits and veggies....and the nutritional value is off the charts!

And as a side note, smoothies aren't just for Vitamix people :)  Though a Vitamix is at the top of my wishlist, I have a simple Cuisinart Blender that I picked up years ago from Target.  It does remarkably well with how often I use it (at least daily) and what I put it through :)  So for those of you that don't have a Vitamix, consider pouring in the juice (or green tea for this mixture) first.  Then add the greens and mix on the highest setting for about 1.5-2 minutes.  Then add the fruits and soft veggies and mix for another 2 minutes. Under 5 minutes for a super-healthy smoothie is pretty awesome.

Here is my mixture of choice:

2 handfuls of spinach*
1 large leaf of chard (any variety)*
1 roasted beet (optional...I love beets!)
1/2-3/4 c. frozen blueberries
1 c. fresh/frozen pineapple
2/3 c. grapes (any variety)
1 ripe banana
1 c. 100% orange or cranberry juice (both are great in this one)
1 c. cooled green tea
1 c. ice (if your blender can handle ice...if not, freeze your fruit)

*Other options for greens:  watercress, Italian parsley, kale, Romain or another lettuce variety, mustard greens, celery greens....most are pretty good (some stronger than others)

**Also, for a sweeter and more filling touch...add 1/2 c. plain greek yogurt, 1 tbsp honey and some cinnamon...this is my kids favorite variety of this one. 

Blend....and cheers!

HANDY TIP:  If you have leftovers...pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze.  Then add a cube or two to your future smoothies.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HIIT Workouts--Metabolic boost that lasts ALL day!

There is nothing like a workout that continues to 'work' hours after you've finished sweating!  Well, a HIIT workout does this and more.  HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training.  And it's benefits have proven to extend for up to 24-hours after you've completed the workout.  Here is an article from the American College of Sports Medicine that supports this claim.

Here is my recommendation for beginner, intermediate and advanced HIIT workouts (these are running based, but you could modify this to rowing, swimming, cycling or even hiking/trail running)  The key is to hit it hard, I'm talking REALLY hard during the sprint intervals.  The recovery should be faster than your comfortable with, but still gaining a bit of rest.

Warm up with a 2 minute run (moderate pace)
60 seconds sprint (all out 9 out of 10 for intensity)
120 second recovery run
Repeat this 6-8 times.
Warm down with 2 minute, moderate run and stretching afterward.

Warm up with 2-4 minute run (moderate/fast pace)
60 second sprint (all out 10 out of 10 for intensity)
60 second recovery run 
Repeat this 8-10 times.
Warm down with 2-4 minute, moderate run and stretching afterward

Warm up with 5 minute run (moderate/fast pace)
60 second sprint (all out 10 out of 10, pushing 11!)
30 second recovery run
Repeat 10-12 times
Warm down with 5 minute, moderate run and stretching afterward

This workout = quick results, an increased metabolism and energy boost for hours after completion.  You have to give it 100% to get these results, but it's worth every ounce of sweat (and sometimes tears!).  Remember....sweat is just your fat cells crying!  

 HIIT It!!  And be well.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Circuit Workout

Spring has sprung here in Colorado.  And with that comes shorts, tank tops and sun dresses!  Why not celebrate spring with a workout to tone up our winter bodies....yes, cardio circuits do this exceptionally well!

This is a short and sweet cardio circuit that will give you great results when done a few times a week at high intensity.

Spring Circuit Workout:

Warm Up: 1 Minute jog, 30 second walk.  Repeat 3 times. Advanced athletes--5 minute run.
-30 second jump rope
-30 second run
-30 second squat jumps
-30 second 1 leg hop (do each leg)
-Active rest: 30 second plank position (any way you like to do these…knees down, on your elbows, on your hands, etc….)
-60 second jump rope
-60 second run
-60 second high knee jump
-60 second jumping jacks
-Active rest: 60 second crunches
-90 second run
-90 second jumping jacks
-90 second mountain climbers
-90 second high knee jog
-Active rest: 90 second crunches (feet down, spine and belly button pulled to the floor.  Pull your chin up and move slowly…quality, not quantity ;)

*Image by

Brownie Bites

This time of year it's all about chocolate bunnies, candies and treats.  I have a huge sweet tooth so this is torture for a chocolate lover like myself.  I've dedicated a few too many hours trying to make these delicious treats healthy and containing at least a few whole nutrients.  My family is often times left to sample my creations...for better or worse.  And with a 3yr old and 6 yr old, I get the honest truth and then some!

This recipe made everyone in the family smile and want more, and more!  Success!!  I asked my son what we should name these treats and to my surprise he says, 'Brownies, because they are gooey and chocolately and great!'  And as healthy as healthy treats can get!  The best thing about them....they taste even better the longer you let them sit in your freezer or fridge :)  Incentive for not eating the whole pan in one shot!

The recipe...let's call them Brownie Bites:

1 c. pitted dates
2/3 c. dried black mission figs (remove the hard stem at the top)
1 tbsp chia seeds (you could add sesame, flax or hemp seeds alternatively)
1/2 c. raw walnuts (or any nut will work...raw cashews or roasted pistachios are really good, too)
1/3 c. dried, unsweetened coconut flakes
3 tbsp cocoa powder (more or less depending on your chocolaty preference)
1/4 c. agave nectar, honey or maple syrup (or use less depending on your sweet tooth)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
dash of cinnamon

*Option...add 1 tbsp peanut or nut butter.

1) Put everything in a food processor and mix until gooey and thoroughly combined.
2) Place mixture on a piece of parchment (or wax) paper, then cover with another piece OR roll into balls (shown above).
3) If making bars, roll into one large square, cut into bars (I did 1x3 inch bars) keeping the wax paper on both sides.
4) Freeze with the parchement paper to keep the bars separate.
5) If making balls, I wrapped each individually in parchment paper then put in one large freezer bag for storage and easy snack access.

This took me 10 minutes to make (with clean up, etc...15 minutes total time).  Easy and really good!!  I will post nutritional info here soon.  We use these for pre-practice snacks and when the kids need an energy booster during the day.  Even good as an after breakfast 'treat' for those hard to get moving mornings :)
