Swimsuits. Yep, I said it. It’s that time of year where you’re either
just getting into last years’ model, or looking to buy a new one. So, now you have your motivation! And motivation like that had better be put to
good use….after all, opportunity and motivation go hand in hand. Use it or lose it….but I choose both. Use it to lose your winter figure and gain
your summer, sporty figure.
Image:http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/get-rock-solid-abs |
Abdominal workouts are a big player in the swimsuit game. Here is a pretty intense abdominal workout
(and you can easily modify these to make each exercise harder or easier, to
your liking). But keep in mind, your
ideal ab workout gets you outside of your comfort zone. Painful…yes, but too painful is not a good
thing. Don’t overdo it…don’t underdo
it. Find your balance and this workout
will provide you with swimsuit ready results.
Boot Camp
Warm Up:
60 second jump rope
30 second rest
120 second jump rope
30 second rest
60 second jumping jacks
You’re warm.
Plank Tuck
Jumps: Start in a standard plank
position (not on your elbows, up on your hands). Jump your feet up to your hands then quickly
back to plank. This is one rep. Repeat for 6-10 reps (Beginner); 8-12 reps
(Intermediate), 10-15 reps (Advanced). Do this 2-3 times.
Kick V-Sit: Start in a standard V-Sit position. Start your flutter kicks and do 50 flutters
with your feet.
Flutter Kick: Start on your stomach.
Lift your arms and feet off of the ground in a Superman position. Flutter your feet while extending your arms
straight out. Do 50 flutters with your
Dog Reverse Crunch: Start
in the downward dog position. Extend and
lift your right foot off of the ground as high as you can. Then bring your knee to your chest and return
your right leg to the extended and lifted position. That is 1 rep. Repeat 5-8 times (beginner); 8-10
(intermediate); 10-15 (advanced). Then
switch and do the left foot. Do this 2-3 times, each time you can bring your
knee farther up to your chest, or cross over to opposite elbow to work your
Twists: Start in a V-sit position, but bend your knees to a 90-deg
angle. Clasp your hands together rotate
from side to side. Try to gently hit
your hands on the ground each time you rotate.
1 rep = rotating to both sides.
Do 2 sets of 50 reps.
Push-Up & Side Plank Rotation: Start in a plank position. Do a push-up, and then rotate body into a
side plank with your top hand extended up toward the ceiling or sky. Shoulders
and hips stacked, balancing on left palm and side of left foot. Extend right
arm up. Then bring your top arm
underneath your rib cage and extend as far as you can while keeping balanced. Lift your arm back up and move back into push
up position. Repeat the entire sequence,
on each side, for 6-8 reps beginner; 8-12 reps intermediate, 10-15 reps
advanced. Do this 2-3 times.
**Note: You can use a weight for these, too. I use a 5-7lb weight…but I would recommend
starting with 2-3 lbs to get your form nailed down first. If you use a weight, make sure to be aware of
your back and keep your abs engaged to prevent injury. If you have a bad back, weight is not recommended.
Tolasana: Get two yoga blocks, if available, or use the
floor. Place blocks a bit more than hip
width apart and sit in between them.
Place your palms firmly on the blocks and slowly lift your body off of
the ground. Pull your legs up toward
your chest and hold. Breath! Hold for 10-20 seconds then release. Repeat this 2-3 times. For an advanced modification, straighten your
legs and hold them at a 90 degree angle for 10-20 seconds.
Chaturanga Mountain Climbers: Start
in plank position and move to Chaturanga.
Immediately begin mountain climbers.
Bring your knees up, laterally (there isn’t enough space between you and
the floor to bring your knees up to your chest). Do as many as you can while remaining in
chaturanga and one rep. is both sides.
Do 3-5 for beginners; 5-10 intermediate; 10-15 advanced. Note: These are tough. If you need to do standard mountain climbers,
that’s ok.
Sit-Up, Side-Chop: This
is a standard sit-up. Knees bent or legs
extended, hands clasp together. Do a
regular sit up, but aim for one leg with your hands. Repeat this, alternating sides for 30 reps (1
rep is completing both sides). Repeat
this 2-3 times.
**Note: You can use a weight for these, too. I use a 5 lb. weight in each hand…but I would
recommend starting with 2-3 lbs to get your form nailed down first. If you use a weight, make sure to be aware of
your back and keep your abs engaged to prevent injury. If you have a bad back, weight is not
Cool Down:
Cobra (or
Half-Cobra) Pose
Childs Pose
Hold each pose
and breath. Repeat as many times as
needed (I usually need 3-4 rounds to get completely stretched out and relaxed